Sunday, 9 October 2016

Gems of Ammachi~Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi)

"When you take each step with good thoughts and a smiling face, all goodness will come to you and fill your being. Then God cannot possibly stay away from you. Divinity will embrace you." 

"The first step in spiritual life is to have compassion. A person who is kind and loving never needs to go searching for God. God rushes toward any heart that beats with compassion-it is God's favorite place."

"The first step in spiritual life is to have compassion. A person who is kind and loving never needs to go searching for God. God rushes toward any heart that beats with compassion-it is God's favorite place.Inner peace always follows in the wake of pain. To teach the state of joy, you first have to experience pain. Pain in the beginning and lasting happiness at the end is far superior to happiness in the beginning and long-lasting pain at the end. Pain is an unavoidable part of life. Without having suffered in some way, you cannot experience and appreciate peace or happiness."  ~Ammachi~

"In this age of selfishness, selfless service is the only soap that truly purifies."

"The beauty and charm of selfless love and service should not die away from the face of this earth. The world should know that a life of dedication is possible, that a life inspired by love and service to humanity is possible."

"One should see any opportunity to serve as a rare and precious gift...and never waste such an opportunity.”

“As you perform good actions selflessly, true love will blossom, which will purify our emotional mind.”

“In today’s world, people experience two types of poverty: the poverty caused by lack of food, clothing and shelter, and the poverty caused by lack of love and compassion. Of these two, the second type needs to be considered first because if we have love and compassion in our hearts, then we will wholeheartedly serve those who suffer from lack of food, clothing and shelter.”

"Many of us may have watched the waves at sea. They rise, then fall, then rise again, then fall again... and this cycle continues endlessly. It is the same with our experience of the world and its objects and relationships. We may find happiness, but this happiness will soon turn to sorrow. The sorrow that we feel will subsequently turn back to happiness but this oscillation continues endlessly. In order to maintain inner balance, we need to find peace within instead of depending on the external world."