Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Sadhguru On the subject of disability~ Quotes

On the subject of disability, Sadhguru reminds us that life comes in many forms, and society need not brand anyone as standard or substandard.
Life has come in so many forms, but societies have labels as to what is normal and what is not normal. But actually, if we look at any individual who has all four limbs intact, compared to the next person, are they not disabled in someaspect of life? 
Most people who are labeled as normal are breaking their brains every day. They call it stress, anxiety and so many things, but they are literally breaking the brain in some way.
So let us not brand ourselves or anyone else one way or the other, because life has come in so many ways. You have to respect that and do your best about it because it is a miracle, in the sense – today morning, the dosa or idli that you had was made with the soil that we walk upon, and that food became flesh and bone. In such a phenomenally complex process, which we have taken for granted unfortunately, certain things sometimes do not work the way we think they should. 

So never call yourself disabled. You are one way, I am another way. No person can claim he has a perfect body or a perfect mind. I am disabled in one way, you are disabled in another way. In some way, every one of us is disabled if we compare ourselves to someone else. 

Your bones break, that is painful and unfortunate. But most people who are labeled as normal are breaking their brains every day. They call it stress, anxiety and so many things, but they are literally breaking the brain in some way. 

No person can claim he has a perfect body or a perfect mind. In some way, every one of us is disabled if we compare ourselves to someone else.

The physical form is a mechanical process. Sometimes things will go wrong with it. It may come normally and later go wrong, or in the very womb, something can go wrong during manufacturing. This has nothing to do with that person. It has something to do with a variety of things because it is such a complex process that something can go off sometimes. 

But that should not determine how you live. How we live physically may be determined by many things. But nobody can decide how we live within ourselves except us. Nobody else can decide how I live within myself. In that sense, no one is disabled. 

(Pictures and quote content belong to Sadguru deva🙏🌻 )