Saturday, 2 December 2017

A. Parthasarathy Quotes i love

You gain knowledge from teachers and textbooks. But wisdom you attain when your intellect reflects, contemplates upon the knowledge acquired.
Sattvik actor is not egoistic. Does not have the I-am-the-doer attitude doer attitude. And is free from attachment. With no preferential relationship binding him to the world. Besides,a sattvik actor possesses steadfastness, dhriti and enthusiasm, utsaha. He is energetic, cheerful and joyful in what he does. And does it with consistency of purpose until the work is done. All along his course of activity he remains disinterested in the result thereof. Success or failure means nothing to him. He maintains a balance of mind through the fluctuations of life’s experiences.
Your motto in life should be to strive,to struggle, not to succeed. Work well accomplished is the joy of life. Success or failure is immaterial. What really matters in life is your ability to adopt action to obligation. Your business lies in action alone, not in the reward accruing from it. Let not the anxiety for enjoying the fruit disturb the course of your action.

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.

~A. Parthasarathy~