Thursday, 21 December 2017

Radhanath Swami jee's pearls of knowledge

Bhakti is the combination of gyan and vairagya.Krishna told Arjuna, “Do not be depressed. Do not just artificially close your eyes and escape the problems of life. Do not run away and negate them. See the positive opportunity that you have in this situation and work accordingly.” That is the teachings of Bhagavad-Gita. Do your work for the welfare of others in a spirit of compassion to others with consciousness of your relationship with God. That is what Bhagavad-Gita is all about: developing a very positive attitude, not on the basis of just physical and emotional, but physical, emotional and spiritual
"Bhagavad-Gita teaches how there is a positive opportunity in every situation, and however bad the world may be, as far as all kinds of corruption and pollution and ego, we can always look for the good. We know about the bad: we do not hide from it, we know about it and we are conscious about it. But we look for the good.”
 "The depth of our positive attitude is very much determined by how much we have knowledge of our spiritual self.” 

 "This human life is so rare, we shouldn’t waste it. It is so precious. Human life is the facility to fall in love with Krishna. Our acharyas explains that Krishna has actually arranged that this specie of life is in His form so it is easy to fall in love with Him."

                ~ Radhanath Swami ~