Sunday 4 May 2014

Gurudev Swami yogananda

Creating Harmony in Our Relationships With Others
Excerpts from the writings of Paramahansa Yogananda
The greatest of all happiness, next to divine happiness, is to be at peace with one’s immediate relations, those with whom one must live every day in the year. When people try to handle the extremely complicated machinery of human feelings without any training whatsoever, the consequent results are often disastrous. Very few persons realize that most of our happiness lies in the art of understanding the law of human behavior. That is why so many people are often “in hot water” with their friends, and, worse yet, at constant war with their own best beloved ones at home.

The basic law of right human behavior is self-reform....Whenever any trouble occurs with our friends or dear ones, we should inwardly lay the blame on ourselves for getting into an unpleasant situation and then try to get out of it as fast and as graciously as we can. It is fruitless to increase the trouble by loudly, unkindly, discourteously blaming others, even though we find that they are to blame. We can teach quick-tempered dear ones to mend their faults a hundred times better by setting a good example than we can by harsh or self-righteous words.

Most of the time, people talk and act from their own viewpoint. They seldom see, or even try to see, the other person’s side. If, lacking understanding, you enter into a fight with someone, remember that each of you is as much to blame as the other, regardless of which one started the argument. “Fools argue; wise men discuss.”

To have calm feeling doesn’t mean that you always smile and agree with everyone no matter what they say — that you regard truth but don’t want to annoy anybody with it. This is going to the extreme. Those who try in this way to please everyone, with the desire of getting praise for their good nature, do not necessarily have control of feeling....Whoever has control of feeling follows truth, shares that truth wherever he can, and avoids annoying unnecessarily anyone who would not be receptive anyway. He knows when to speak and when to be silent, but he never compromises his own ideals and inner peace. Such a man is a force for great good in this world.

We should make ourselves attractive by wearing the fine garment of genuinely courteous language. We should first of all be courteous to our immediate relatives. When one can do that, he will be habitually kind to all people. Real family happiness has its foundation on the altar of understanding and kind words. It is not necessary to agree on everything in order to show kindness. Calm silence, sincerity, and courteous words, whether one is agreeing or disagreeing with others, mark the person who knows how to behave.

If you want to be loved, start loving others who need your love....If you want others to sympathize with you, start showing sympathy to those around you. If you want to be respected, you must learn to be respectful to everyone, both young and old....Whatever you want others to be, first be that yourself; then you will find others responding in like manner to you.

Spiritual Principles of Marriage
Two persons who unite their lives to help each other toward divine realization are founding their marriage on the right basis: unconditional friendship.

To develop pure and unconditional love between husband and wife, parent and child, friend and friend, self and all, is the lesson we have come on earth to learn.

True marriage is a laboratory in which poisons of selfishness, bad temper, and bad behavior may be poured into the test tube of patience and neutralized and changed by the catalytic power of love and constant effort to behave nobly.

If there is a habit or quality in your mate that rouses unlovely traits in your disposition, you should realize the purpose of this circumstance: to bring to the surface those poisons hidden within you so that you may eliminate them and thus purify your nature.

The greatest thing a husband or wife can wish for the spouse is spirituality; for soul unfoldment brings out the divine qualities of understanding, patience, thoughtfulness, love. But each should remember that the desire for spiritual growth cannot be forced on the other. Live love yourself, and your goodness will inspire all your loved ones.

When the husband serves the wife, and she serves him, each with the desire to see the other happy, Christ Consciousness — God’s loving Cosmic Intelligence that permeates every atom of creation — has begun to express itself through their consciousness.

When two people feel an unconditional attraction for each other, and are ready to sacrifice for one another, they are truly in love.

To wish for perfection for the loved one, and to feel pure joy in thinking of that soul, is divine love; and that is the love of true friendship.

Meditate together every morning, and especially at night....Have a little family altar where both husband and wife, and children, gather to offer deep devotion unto God and unite their souls forever in ever-joyous Cosmic Consciousness....The more you meditate together, the deeper your love for one another will grow.

Scientific Healing Affirmations
“I relax and cast aside all mental burdens, allowing God to express through me His perfect love, peace, and wisdom.”
— Paramahansa Yogananda

Decades before the mainstream discovered the power of affirmation in healing the mind and the body, Paramahansa  Yogananda was teaching rapt audiences around the country how to directly access and apply the remarkable healing powers hidden within every human being. He introduced this powerful healing practice to American audiences during his first cross-country speaking tour in 1924. Throughout the 1930s and ’40s, the great teacher would nearly always open or conclude his inspirational services at the SRF temples he had founded by leading those present in an affirmation for healing, or for awakening will power or devotion or perception of the presence of God. Today hundreds of thousands of people around the world have benefited from the practice of his techniques of scientific healing affirmations.

In his pioneering book, Scientific Healing Affirmations, Paramahansaji said:
“Words saturated with sincerity, conviction, faith, and intuition are like highly explosive vibration bombs, which, when set off, shatter the rocks of difficulties and create the change desired....Sincere words or affirmations repeated understandingly, feelingly, and willingly are sure to move the Omnipresent Cosmic Vibratory Force to render aid in your difficulty. Appeal to that Power with infinite confidence, casting out all doubt; otherwise the arrow of your attention will be deflected from its mark.

“After you have sown in the soil of Cosmic Consciousness your vibratory prayer-seed, do not pluck it out frequently to see whether or not it has germinated. Give the divine forces a chance to work uninterruptedly.”

— Paramahansa Yogananda
Scientific Healing Affirmations

“As one uses different affirmations, his attitude of mind should change; for example, will affirmations should be accompanied by strong determination; feeling affirmations by devotion; reason affirmations by clear understanding. When healing others, select an affirmation that is suitable to the conative, imaginative, emotional, or thoughtful temperament of your patient. In all affirmations intensity of attention comes first, but continuity and repetition mean a great deal, too. Impregnate your affirmations with devotion, will, and faith, intensely and repeatedly, unmindful of the results, which will come naturally as the fruit of your labors.”

— Paramahansa Yogananda
Scientific Healing Affirmations

Paramahansa Yogananda reveals the hidden laws for harnessing the power of concentrated thought — not only for physical healing, but to overcome all obstacles and create all-around success in our lives. Included are comprehensive instructions and a wide variety of affirmations for healing the body, developing confidence, awakening wisdom, curing bad habits, and much more.

Affirmation Instructions

Select an Affirmation

It is most effective to practice affirmations immediately after awakening in the morning or just before going to sleep at night. Before beginning an affirmation, it is important to sit in the correct meditation posture, on a chair or firm surface. The spine should be held erect, and the eyes closed, concentrating on the medulla oblongata at the back of the neck. Free the mind from restless thoughts and worries.
Select one of the following affirmations and repeat all of it, first loudly, then softly and more slowly, until your voice becomes a whisper. Then gradually affirm it mentally only until you feel that you have attained deep, unbroken concentration. As you experience an increasing peace make the effort to deepen your concentration that you may enter into the superconscious realm and manifest your affirmations.

“I am submerged in eternal light. It permeates every particle of my being.
I am living in that light. The Divine Spirit fills me within and without.”

“God is within and around me, protecting me; so I will banish
the fear that shuts out His guiding light.”

“Perfect Father, Thy light is flowing through Christ, through the saints of all religions, through the masters of India, and through me. This divine light is present in all my body parts.
I am well.”

“I know that God’s power is limitless; and as I am made in His image,
I, too, have the strength to overcome all obstacles.”

“I relax and cast aside all mental burdens, allowing God to express
through me His perfect love, peace, and wisdom.”

“Teach me to feel that I am enveloped always in the aureole of Thine all-protecting omnipresence, in birth, in sorrow, in joy, in activity,
in meditation, in ignorance, in trials, in death,
and in final emancipation.”

“Thy light of goodness and Thy protective power are ever shining through me. I saw them not, because my eyes of wisdom were closed. Now Thy touch of peace has opened my eyes; Thy goodness and unfailing protection are flowing through me.”

“My Heavenly Father, Thou art Love, and I am made in Thine image.
I am the cosmic sphere of Love in which I behold all planets, all stars, all beings,
all creation as glimmering lights. I am the Love that illumines the whole universe.”

“I will help weeping ones to smile, by smiling myself, even when it is difficult.”

“I will radiate love and goodwill to others, that I may open a
channel for God’s love to come to all.”

[contents and photo courtesy Google]